Radio wave blocking method for protection
What would your family and yourself do if you were voyeur or eavesdropping? Recently, corporate and individual customers have become the radio jammers that are purchased! In fact, basically, please refrain from making a crime when using this product! In reality, jammers are not like radios that emit strong radio waves!

Honestly, even if you use it, it will not jam your mobile phone, but if you use it in Japan, I strongly hope that you will use it after obtaining permission! If this happens, do you feel like you were being voyeurized or eavesdropped? At this time, are you worried that the GPS is equipped with a dedicated jammer? We can position and deter GPS satellite jammers, GPS jammer now lose your position and can't track. Electromagnetic compatibility, network can be used. Partial protection only in standalone mode, the network can protect the entire region.