Jammers are used on airplanes to prevent passengers from playing on cell phones
High quality UAV jammers, used in military applications to specialize in the production and sale of high quality signal jammer, and provide a wide range of jammers for military applications. Drone jammers include handheld models, desktop models, boxes, briefcases, and models for various purposes. Other models include bomb jammers designed to protect vehicles from improvised explosive devices (IEDs), prison jammers used to protect the area, remote jammers used to remove remote control equipment, and a range GSM radio jammers and mobile (Wi-Fi) systems and GSM signals.
The remote control and the GPS signals are disturbed by the drone. topsignaljammer provides a series of special jamming transmitters. With these jamming transmitters, you can interfere with the remote control (RC) of the drone (UAV) on the aircraft or its GPS (Global Positioning System) signal. Most 3-5 kilometer commercial quad axis drones/helicopters only use 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and L1 GPS. All other 5.8 GHz, 433 MHz and 928 MHz drones can control a maximum length between 500 m and 1000 m. We provide equipment with reliable radio technology and guarantee reliable operation and stability.
Remote Jammer Series, topsignaljammer develops a special jammer series to limit RC signals from various devices, including RC cars, ships and toys, as well as quadcopters, sirens and wireless sensors. Jail jammers and portable jammers in military locations are designed for prisons and other large sensitive locations, such as military or government buildings. They can also be used in military units, security and secret services, oil and gas storage facilities and fields, and museums.

If necessary, jammers can be used to prevent the occupants' telephone communication. Portable Briefcase Jammer for RC Bomb Protection Portable Briefcase with Radio Improvised Explosive Device is a wideband portable jamming system that can control explosives in hazardous areas by disabling radio signals to shield explosives. VIPs and citizens from damage caused by an improvised explosion by radio.
The briefcase jammer will emit radio frequency (RF) interference and create a "RF shielding zone" around the object (or a group of objects within the area) so that the radio frequency can be used to activate the bomb by radio control (activate cell / mobile device), radio and other functions) all kinds of nearby radio equipment) have sufficient clamping safety radius to save lives and prevent serious injury.
People who interfere with vehicles and briefcases also monitor police and government agencies, security forces, VIPs and VIPs, checkpoints and border crossings, roadblocks and embassies. The jammer can provide different models according to frequency and output power, but also can be customized to meet users' needs. GPS, tracking and jamming positioning, the GPS jammer model is designed to cover GPS bands and other positioning and positioning devices to provide effective combat solutions, while GPS trackers and Android Wi-Fi positioning devices won't notice it.