Where are mobile phone signal jammers used?

Where are mobile phone signal jammers used?

Nowadays, more and more industries use mobile phone signal jammers, but there are still many people who don’t know what this type of device is. Used in those places, mobile phone signal jammers are also called: mobile phone jammers, signal jammers, mobile phone blockers, signal blockers, mobile phone signal isolators, signal isolators, mobile phone signal cutters, jammers, Mobile phone jammer, signal jammer, mobile phone signal jammer, mobile phone signal blocker, mobile phone isolator, mobile phone interceptor, mobile communication signal jammer for sale, mobile phone signal jammer, radio signal jammer.

Mobile phone signal jammers are mainly targeted at the upper and lower communication signals of the mobile phone system. The technology uses high-tech technologies such as frequency multiplication, frequency division, and frequency hopping filtering. The shielding equipment analyzes the required shielding frequency; the shielding signal equipment can be customized according to the area where it is located. A specific shielding space automatically forms a magnetic field within a specified range, which can invalidate communication mobile phones such as PHS-Xiaolingtong, GSM-China Unicom, China Mobile, CDMA-China Telecom, etc. When the signal blocking device is turned on, it can effectively block the signals sent and received by mobile phones within a predetermined range. In this way, the mobile phone will not be able to make and receive calls, thus achieving the effect of forcibly blocking the signal.

cell phone signal blocker

Nowadays, many industries are using cell phone signal jammers, such as: prisons/detention centers, various examination rooms, conference rooms, gas stations, oil depots, churches, hospitals, courts, military sites, libraries, theaters and other places. However, in schools and densely populated places, there are regulations prohibiting the installation of any radio stations with excessive electromagnetic radiation, so mobile phone signal jammers cannot be used indiscriminately.

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