Is it feasible for individuals to purchase and use high-power mobile phone shielding equipment?

Is it feasible for individuals to purchase and use high-power mobile phone shielding equipment?

High-power mobile phone shielding equipment, as the name suggests, refers to mobile phone shielding equipment with very large radio frequency transmission power, and generally refers to interference equipment with a transmission power of more than 50W for each radio frequency channel. Sometimes we receive some individual customers who ask us about this kind of products, so, is it okay for individuals to purchase and use such high-power cell phone signal jammer?

CM4 Box 2G GPS Signal Jamming Device

Our answer is: Individuals cannot purchase and use high-power cell phone signal jammer for three reasons:

1. According to relevant laws and regulations, it is not allowed for individuals to use wireless mobile phones to shield instruments without permission, especially those with high-power transmission, because this may affect many normal communication electronic equipment. In some countries, private use of mobile phone shielding equipment will be considered an illegal act and will be severely punished by law;

2. 2. The price of high-power mobile phone shielding equipment itself is very high, and usually far exceeds the affordability of personal purchases;

3. 3. There are many specifications for the installation and use of high-power mobile phone shielding equipment. The equipment is large in size and heavy in weight, and it is very inconvenient for personal use.

Based on the above three points, when we receive inquiries about individuals purchasing high-power mobile phone shielding equipment, we will tactfully refuse them. If necessary, we will recommend some low-power mobile phone shielding instruments suitable for personal use, because the transmission power of the low-power type is very small, usually lower than 1W, and the range of interference signals is also very limited, generally within a few meters in radius within the range.

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