How to prevent illegal eavesdropping? Signal jammers can help you solve this problem.

How to prevent illegal eavesdropping? Signal jammers can help you solve this problem.

Do you know what harm information leakage will bring to you? Some people are unaware of the harm they have done to others, or they think that their identity is not so noble and is not valuable to bad people, and others will not be interested in their information. But the fact is that the problem of information leakage has become the norm, and the word leakage has become a common term. Nowadays, many mobile phones have their own videos or recordings. If they are lost, it is not only easy to leak personal information, but also easy to be used by fraudsters, and some may even seriously endanger national information security. From ancient times to modern times, the way of leaking secrets and eavesdropping has evolved step by step with the passage of time. Eavesdropping on private affairs has risen to multiple confidential areas such as politics, national defense, and conferences.

Information security comes first. Now everyone pays more attention to how to avoid and prevent being eavesdropped. Today is the development period of new technology products, and the technology of eavesdropping equipment has also improved a lot. Even the types of eavesdropping equipment have become diverse. Some devices are very small in size and cannot be found in hidden corners. Eavesdropping devices are often found in hidden places such as under tables, flower pots, computer keyboards, paper rolls, etc. in offices, conference rooms, and places where important people discuss, causing a lot of trouble for people.

cell phone jammer

If you want to have a safe conversation space, whether it is a company meeting, communication with friends, or a chat at the dinner table, and you don’t want the content of the conversation to be leaked or made public, a signal blocker can help you solve it. When you turn on the device, the signal blocker will emit ultrasonic waves that exceed the threshold of the human auditory system and are harmless to humans. Using the ultrasonic noise-receiving algorithm developed by us, the microphones in digital products such as mobile phones and voice recorders can be affected by the signal blocker, thereby drowning the sound of normal conversations in random noise, and the recording post-processing algorithm cannot be restored, thereby fundamentally ensuring that the content of the conversation will not be leaked.

Signal Jammer Features

The ultrasonic noise-banding algorithm based on FPGA developed by us can effectively interfere with digital products such as mobile phones and voice recorders. The anti-recording effect is at the world's leading level, which can effectively ensure that conversations will not be recorded and fully guarantee the security of information

The protection range of the signal jammer for cell phone is similar to a cone-shaped space, and the interference range is about 15 square meters. The interference distance for most electronic digital products is about 2 meters, which can form a safe space. In such a space, there is no need to worry about being recorded by others. The sound wave frequency of the signal jammer is only suitable for mobile phones, recorders and other electronic products that can be received but cannot be heard by humans. Compared with other anti-recorders, there is no buzzing sound, it can quietly protect the conversation, and the environment will not be disturbed

Signal Jammer User Experience

The signal jammer is only effective for electronic digital products, and will not interfere with people. Because the human body does not receive ultrasound, the recording of the mobile phone is basically noise, but people can't hear it, so it affects the normal conversation communication, and even cannot detect that the anti-recorder is working.

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