How to choose the installation location in the design plan of the mobile phone signal jammer in the detention center?

How to choose the installation location in the design plan of the mobile phone signal jammer in the detention center?

When designing a cell phone signal jammer for a detention center, whether the installation location of the mobile phone signal jammer is appropriate is an important aspect to consider, because this will directly affect the final shielding effect. We have summarized several precautions to provide customers with a reference when designing solutions for mobile phone signal jammers in detention centers.

1. The building walls of detention centers are generally made of reinforced concrete, which greatly attenuates wireless signals. The shielded signal of the mobile phone signal jammer can only be transmitted into the room through the door or window. Therefore, the installation location of the mobile phone signal jammer must be It should be as close as possible to the door or window;

2. For conventional low-power wireless signal jammers, if there are no obstacles, the effective shielding radius is 10-20 meters. In the prison building of the detention center, one unit should be arranged at intervals of 2-3 cells. It is best to place a separate wireless signal jammer in public restrooms, bathrooms, clothes drying areas, etc.;

8 Bands High Power Portable Cell Phone Signal Jammer

3. If there is a yard or ventilation area in the prison room of the detention center, a certain number of wireless signal jammers usually need to be arranged in these areas;

4. According to the layout of each building in the detention center, the coverage area of the wireless signal jammer should be organized into a cellular network. Although there will be some overlapping coverage areas, this will not create blind spots in the navigation and shielding signals;

4. If signal shielding is also needed in the open areas of the detention center, the following method can be used as a reference: first, use high-power wireless signal jammers around the detention center to shield the main area from signal coverage, and then check internally to find out what signal coverage there is. blind area, and then use a small number of low-power wireless signal jammers to supplement it.

5. When installing high-power wireless signal jammers around the detention center, it is recommended to install them on patrol towers or use fences, street light poles, etc. If it is a barbed wire fence and it is not convenient to install, you can only use separate street light poles. Way.

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