How can video jammer protect me?
Today mobile phones not only perform a communication function but also help us to be more organized as they are equipped with features such as alarm, calendar, documents and many more. However, despite all these advantages, cell phones also have a negative side. Do you know that you can be tracked by someone because of your cell phone? Moreover, all your private conversation can be listened to by the third party. Sometimes the mobile phone is not suitable for use because it makes a lot of noise. So, when you want to limit the work of cell phones, you should use a cell phone jammer. cell phone jammer is a powerful tool, which can help you in different situations. This jamming device is intended to block cell phone signals and various types of radio communication. The jammer has such capability because it operates on the same frequencies as cell phones.
Thus, when the cell phone blocker is in operation, the transmission of signals between the cell phone and its base station will be impossible. When the jammer works, cellphones stop working normally within the jamming range. The jamming zone is a “dead zone” for cell phones. This means that even if the cell phone owner is in this area, the cell phone will not be able to receive/send messages or make/receive calls. Regarding the blocking range, be aware that it depends on the model and specifications of the jammer. Each jammer has a different blocking range. Generally, the jamming range of portable jammers ranges from 5 to 50 meters, and the jamming range of desktop jammers is larger and can reach up to 100 meters. It is therefore advisable to decide where you are going to use the jammer in order to make the right decision.

It is a great advantage that the cell phone jammer does not harm your health. This is because the cell phone jammer's electromagnetic radiation measurements are below international standards. So, by using the jammer, there will be no risk to your health. The cell phone jammer can be used in different places. Places such as hotels, cinemas, theaters, restaurants, hospitals and many other public places usually equipped with a jammer to avoid cell phone noise and other inconveniences caused by phones.