5G mobile phone jammers have been used on a large scale in examination rooms

5G mobile phone jammers have been used on a large scale in examination rooms

As the high school and college entrance exams are approaching, 5G signal jammers have been actively promoted and used. You can see exam signal jammers in exam rooms in major schools. Why are more and more schools installing this equipment?

In fact, it only becomes popular when there is a demand for it. This is because the problem of cheating has become more and more common in recent years, and the various cheating methods that appear frequently are scary.

signal jammer for 5G

In order to effectively solve the problem, this kind of shielding equipment that has been found to cause such cheating is specially used in the examination room. Its appearance is of great help to many examinations, and more and more people choose to prevent electronic signals from cheating.

This kind of exam signal blocker can effectively block the communication signals of 5G mobile phones, and effectively block 2.4G 5.8G WIFI signals, so that people who use mobile phones or certain electronic products cannot send and receive signals within this shielding range.

Regardless of the product, only this guarantee can ensure fairness to test takers who struggle with their exams, and this exam signal jammer is extremely quiet and noise-free when in use. This shielding method will not harm the human body at all, and candidates can take the exam with peace of mind. To choose a professional exam signal jammer, you need to choose a suitable professional manufacturer.

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