In order to completely prevent cheating on the exam site, large-scale exams will install signal jammer in the exam room. I believe that many people have only seen the appearance of the signal isolator in the examination room, and do not know what the structure of the signal isolator in the examination room looks like. The following is the sharing of topsignaljammer.
What is the structure of the signal jammer in the examination room?
A test room signal isolator is first of all the material of the shell, and now there are two types on the market: the first one uses a metal shell, and the second one uses plastic.
There is still a little difference in the internal structure of the two test room signal jammers. The signal jammer with built-in antenna usually installs the antenna inside, which is composed of various electronic components. A built-in antenna signal jammer like this will look good in appearance. The signal shield of the external antenna is on the casing, and there are several interfaces for installing the external antenna. These interfaces represent signal masking for different channels. I believe everyone has a question: why is it set to a built-in antenna? This is to prevent the teacher from getting the wrong antenna, which will cause the signal jammer to fail to work.
Usually the number of external antennas also determines the pros and cons of the signal shield in the examination room, because if there are more antennas, the shielding range will cover more. There are also various electronic components inside. These electronic components are used to achieve the purpose of interfering with mobile phone signals. Although many manufacturers are now producing signal jammers for examination rooms, there are very few companies that are more authoritative in this regard. Therefore, when learning to buy, be sure to choose a regular and quality-assured brand.