4 major factors to introduce digital cell phone jammer

4 major factors to introduce digital cell phone jammer

1. High shielding efficiency

Generally speaking, digital cell phone jammers are divided into ordinary shielding equipment and high-efficiency shielding equipment. The so-called high-efficiency signal jammers for sale currently on the market are based on whether blind spots and loopholes will appear in the shielding. Nowadays, there are mobile phone signal base stations around many prisons. Therefore, if you want to achieve a very good effect, it requires a lot of cost and energy to research and develop, and the cost will also increase significantly. Therefore, the better the shielding effect, the higher the cost. In actual use, the shielding requirements are generally higher. If there are some loopholes and busy spots, criminals may take advantage of this loophole. Even if the information is leaked, it will not be able to block the mobile phone.

cell phone signal jammer

2. No long-term failure problem

If the original requirement is 1 year without any problems, and if there are no problems in the actual application, it can reach 3 years, then the cost-effectiveness will be tripled.

If there is no problem in the original requirement, the service life is 1 year, but in actual use, failures often occur in less than half a year. Although it is completely free of charge, the risk is immeasurable, and the network resources of the staff are also consumed. Correspondingly, The price/performance ratio is greatly affected.

Factor 3: Interference from opening up to the outside world

If open interference is not considered, pure shielding will be very easy, just increase the shielding output power. However, it is necessary to ensure that there are no blind spots and no leakage in the shielded area. The output power intensity in the shielded area is relatively large. If there is a little leakage, the interference to the outside world will be very large. This requires comprehensive consideration of shielding design solutions and technical control to ensure accurate and efficient shielding and no open interference.

Factor 4: Cost

The cost should follow the local regulations and cost budget. You should not blindly choose cost-effective products, nor should you think that expensive ones are good. In the actual selection, user reviews are very important, and you should also visit and observe past examples to see for yourself. Try to evaluate the actual effect and then make the best choice.

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