Desk 6 Antennas GPS WiFi UHF VHF Blocker GSM 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer
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The high power phone signal jammer blocker can block all cell phone frequencies,including GSM,CDMA,DCS,3G,4G.Moreover,you can buy the jamming frequecies WiFi and GPS,or the UHF/VHF frequency jammers. This desktop powerful mobile jammer can be used in the school examination room,court,hospital and office etc.The radius of the jammer is in the range of 2-50 meters depending on the communication signal strength.With a high heat dissipation performance,it can work for a long time stablely.
Applicable places: - Church : Clear cell phone signal noise and maintain the solemnity of religious sites.
- Library : Keep quiet in reading and studying.
- Theater : Clear the noise and keeps the audience interested in the show.
- Hospital : It can prevent the harm from using mobile phones to the human body and the malfunction of medical equipment.
- Court : Maintain the solemnity and sacredness of the court.
- Military heavy land : Prevent the leakage of military secrets.
Product advantages: - The device is mainly use AC power (AC220V). We have made different power adapters for different countries. Therefore, it can be used globally.
- Adopting efficient heat dissipation technology, built-in two cooling fans, the equipment can work for a long time without much heat, and always in good working condition.
Jamming Frequencies: - CDMA : (870 - 880MHz)
- GSM : (930 - 960MHz)
- DCS / PHS : (1805 - 1918MHz)
- 3G / 4G : (2010 - 2145MHz)
- 315MHz / 433MHz
- VHF : (135 - 174MHz)
- UHF : (400 - 470MHz)
- GPS : (1570 - 1580MHz)
- WIFI 2.4G : (2400 - 2500MHz)
Other Parameters: Jamming Radius: 2 - 50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)
Power supply: AC power adapter
Weight : 2.7kg
Dimensions : 140 x 50 x 305mm
Packing Lists: 1 * Desktop jammer
1 * AC power charger
6 * Antennas
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