With these conditions, the prison can install wireless jammers

With these conditions, the prison can install wireless jammers

Because the nature of the prison unit is relatively special, and the requirements for signal shielding are relatively high, it is necessary to consider many aspects when installing and using wireless jammers. Generally speaking, signal shielding includes 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile phone signal shielding. When installing a wireless jammer, it is necessary to evaluate the accuracy of signal shielding, so as not to affect the normal communication of residents around the prison and interfere with the signal base station. In general, the installation of wireless GPS Jammer needs to meet the following conditions?

① Comprehensive and accurate coverage

The signal shielding area must be strictly shielded, and there must be no blind areas and dead angles. If the signal shielding in the prison area is not strict, it will leave opportunities for criminals to take advantage of, and it will not achieve the purpose of comprehensively preventing illegal use of mobile phones. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the signal reception in the office area cannot hinder the work and life of the staff.

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②Whether the operation is stable

For the particularity of prisons, the wireless jammers used must work stably and have strict and reliable performance. If the operation of the equipment is unstable, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and the failure rate is high, on the one hand, it will provide opportunities for criminals and bring potential safety hazards to the society; on the other hand, it needs continuous maintenance, which will bring bad consequences to users. experience.

③It cannot affect the normal life of the surrounding residents

As a national department, prisons not only deter and control criminals, but also shoulder the responsibility of serving the people. Therefore, the use of signal instruments in prisons cannot interfere with signal base stations, cannot affect the daily life of residents in nearby communities, and cannot have negative factors that affect the harmonious relationship between the police and the public.

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