What should I do if the signal jammer cannot block mobile signals?

What should I do if the signal jammer cannot block mobile signals?

Mobile phones have become very popular. Now almost everyone has one, and their use is relatively ordinary. They are used for an average of 5-6 hours a day. Even under such high-intensity use, some people may inadvertently use them. Mobile phones were used in situations where mobile phones could be used. For example: mobile phones should be used correctly in special places such as conference rooms, courts, public libraries, and schools. Frequent use of mobile phones in some situations that require quietness will violate the original public regulations and affect them, and the noise generated by mobile phones will also break the original tranquility. However, it is impossible to have obvious practical effects by simply relying on people to request bans. Therefore, a device called a signal jammer is now installed and used on many special occasions to prevent people from using mobile phones to watch TV, answer calls, listen to music, play games and other behaviors that damage the quiet environment. It has also helped many units reduce employment costs. Improved experience in public places.

In some conference rooms, using a full-band signal jammer can effectively block the signals of China Telecom and China Unicom numbers, but it cannot effectively block mobile signals or the blocking interval is short. In some conference rooms, using a full-band signal jammer can effectively block the signals of China Telecom and China Unicom numbers, but it cannot effectively block mobile signals or the blocking interval is short. The main reason is that the mobile phone signal of China Unicom/Telecom in this conference room is weaker than the mobile phone signal of China Mobile and has strong shielding performance, which leads to the occurrence of this phenomenon. Mobile base stations are closer than telecom/China Unicom base stations. The relationship between signal jammers and base stations is an antagonistic one. Both send radio wave signals in the same frequency band, and the radio wave signal emitted by the signal jammer is to suppress the signal from the base station. The signal strength of a single channel of a signal jammer is generally 2-3W. If the base station signal is too strong, it will not be suppressed. This makes it easy for the signal jammer to fail to shield.

12 Antennas Power Portable Mobile Phone Signal Jammer

In this way, in the same conference room, the signal jammer can only block China Telecom/China Unicom, but it is difficult to block movement or the mobile shielding distance cannot meet the standard. What should I do?

The reason why the signal jammer fails to block a certain operator is that the signal strength of the mobile control module in the signal jammer is too small and cannot suppress the base station signal. At this time, the control module can also be moved in a signal jammer with independent lifting power and high moving power. The high-power signal jammer 1438 high-power equipment produced by Chengdu Basansiyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. is made up of separate control modules. The single control module can be used alone or the control modules can be combined into a patchwork application. In view of the inability to block mobile phone signals, the mobile control module can also be independently upgraded and combined with a low-power signal jammer to achieve full shielding.

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