What is the function of the reagent of the phone signal jammer?

What is the function of the reagent of the phone signal jammer?

The purpose of the phone signal jammer is to block the communication signal. The device uses the working frequency of the mobile phone, so that it cannot receive the signal sent by the communication signal tower to block the use of normal applications on the mobile phone. It is forbidden to use all normal functions of the mobile phone in special places. This problem can only be solved by installing a phone signal jammer.

The phone signal jammer is a special industrial device. It will help you interfere with the signals of mobile phones such as 2G/3G/4G/5G/WiFi, and interfere with the technology of mobile phones to transmit data through such signals. In local use, you can carry a portable phone signal jammer with you because it is very compact and easy to hide. Inserting a rechargeable lithium battery allows you to use the phone signal jammer for several hours. The industrial device has an external antenna, and we can use the toggle switch to adjust the interference radius and selective interference. This portable phone signal jammer is highly safe because it does not contain radioactive elements and will not harm health.

cell phone signal jammer

The phone signal jammer is very suitable for some special places because it is an intelligent device. For example, the phone signal jammer is particularly suitable for schools and colleges. If the teacher turns on the phone signal jammer in the classroom, it can ensure that there will be no cheating during the college entrance examination. The student's mobile phone will have no signal and he will not be able to receive the standard answer information. In addition, the phone signal jammer can help the factory control the mistakes made by employees at work due to looking at their mobile phones. After using the full-band signal jammer, employees will not be easily distracted by text messages and other distractions.

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