Install several shielded annunciators, how to calculate and select their power consumption and wiring cables?

Install several shielded annunciators, how to calculate and select their power consumption and wiring cables?

After the customer unit has purchased a number of shielded annunciators, before preparing to enter the site for installation and construction, the bottom sheet is about the power consumption of these signal jammer machines and how to choose the cable diameter. How to measure these issues? In fact, the answer is very simple: the product information of the shielding annunciator obtained before purchasing or the manual of the shielding machine has clearly marked the power consumption of the shielding annunciator. Note: The power consumption of the shielding machine refers to the power consumption of the power supply used to supply the shielding machine, which is not a concept with the usually nominal RF transmission power of the shielding machine (the total RF transmission power of a shielding annunciator is the same as this The ratio of the power consumption of the shielding machine to the power consumption is usually about 1:3 or 1:4).

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At present, the common types of shielded annunciators on the market, the power consumption of the power supply is mostly between 100-200W. According to this value, it can be calculated: in a building or one floor, if multiple shielding machines are connected in parallel on a power line at the same time, it is only necessary to multiply the number of shielding machines by the power consumption of a single machine to obtain the total power of the line. power consumption, and then select the wire diameter of the power supply cable accordingly.

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