Influential factors of prison radio wave blocking devices
The level of personal mobile communication technology has improved significantly. 3G and 4G technologies are widespread. Smartphones are not working well in areas such as prisons and detention centers. Installing mobile phone jammers in prisons has reached an imminent level. Each base station has a different power and number of channels. Each base station may have different distances from the prison. We recommend that you do not install a base station within 2-300 m from the monitoring area. If the base station is too close, the signal will have a strong effect.
Each prison is different in size, structure, size and height. The distribution direction, power, and terrain of mobile base stations around each prison are also different. The strength of the mobile phone signal transmitted from the base station is also different. The method of setting a jammer in a prison is based on actual field conditions. Even in the same environment, the signal of the base station may be affected by the humidity of the air and cause fluctuations in the signal strength. Between indoors and outdoors, the ground, building structures, etc. can have complex effects on jammers.

Do you use cell phone jammer with adjustable blocking radii, depending on your environment? Consideration is given to the use of directional antennas to control the main radiation area of the disturbed signal. Do cell phone signal jammers in prison use low power jammers or high power cell phone jammers? I have some wifi jammer installed in the surveillance area. This is a method of checking out-of-range devices that operate normally and stably in order to achieve the jamming effect. This is an important point.