Relevant authorities warn people to use jammers with caution
"Internal GNSS" reported today that the "House of Representatives Defense Appropriations Act of 2018" provides $ 10 million for upgrading wifi jammer and a proof of concept for backup systems required by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 ( NDAA) is required. . This is the result of amendments by Congressmen John Garmendi (D-CA) and Frank Lobiondo (R-NJ).
The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for protecting critical infrastructures and calls GPS the "single point of failure of critical infrastructures" because of its widespread use and its extremely misleading nature and interference from GPS jammer. And other destructive effects. In addition, the Coast Guard is a Department of Homeland Security agency responsible for overseeing the former Loran-C infrastructure on which the eLoran system will be built (please note that separate laws passed by the House of Representatives to establish the DOT instruct the eLoran system in collaboration with the Coast Guard, as a complement and backup to GPS). In addition, the Department of Homeland Security has been demonstrating and developing eLoran on CRADA since 2012 and has internal expertise in the system.
In 2018, the NDAA required that a report be submitted to Congress within 120 days of the bill's passage explaining how the three divisions will conduct proof of concept. Now it looks like the project will be funded and it is unlikely that Congress will receive an apology or delay.

We understand that we will provide funding for research, development, testing and evaluation for the Air Force.
Although the Air Force was funded, the projects commissioned by the NDAA are complemented by three cooperating departments, each of which is of interest:
The defense already has money, and of course there is a protected GPS system in place. The Department of Defense is also jointly governed by the TFN National Executive Committee of the US Department of Transportation, the governing body of the US GPS / PNT.
In addition to jointly managing the national PNT with the Department of Defense, transportation has long been a leader in civil PNT affairs and has been designated by President policies and laws as a country responsible for ensuring the country has reserve capacity when it unavailable for some reason.
We have phoned a number of government officials on this matter. Many people are unaware of the outstanding funding and have not yet started thinking about how funding should be managed or projects implemented. We know this process has now started.