Jammers give you control
The company was trying to build a 4G cable network, but it was blocked by opponents who feared that the network would block GPS signals and threaten the business and protection of people flying in planes and the army. Global Positioning Systems are used by almost everyone, including mobile phones, car navigation devices, and almost every possible commercial means. Commercial aircraft use the Global Positioning System to safely land aircraft, especially when visibility is extremely low. Shipping companies use the Global Positioning System to deliver products on time. Farmers use the Global Positioning System to accurately define where fertilizers and pesticides are applied. With this technology, you can be more productive and less wasteful. The army uses GPS coordinates to protect the army and attack the correct target. But with the help of signal jammer, you can turn passive into active. If you want others to know your location, you can turn off the device, but if you don't want others to know to turn on GPS jamming.

Other companies that rely on GPS are looking for LightSquared companies that want to build a huge nationwide 4G cable network through satellite integration. LightSquared has a special license that allows it to use part of the frequency range (basically radio waves) for nearly a decade and now states that it wants to use it. Basically, LightSquared said there was space available for many years, but now you can start building. Only FCC permission is required.
The problem is that this frequency range is adjacent to the range used for GPS signals. Opponents compared LightSquared's intentions to the fact that heavy metal music bands are far from you. They said LightSquared's powerful network overwhelmed the signals transmitted by GPS, which could be disaster, economical and life-threatening.
Civil GPS systems use L1, L2, and L5 with frequencies of 1575.42 MHz, 1227.6 MHz, and 1176.45 MHz, respectively. The military uses the L3 frequency band (1381.05 MHz) and the L4 frequency band (1379.913 MHz). 4G wireless networks use 1710-1755MHz and 2110-2155MHz as 3G frequencies, as well as 2496-2690MHz in operation. LightSquared is assigned a spectrum from 1525 MHz to 1559 MHz. This is close to the GPS L1 frequency band, but has no effect. Tests have shown that only 1% of the entire GPS frequency range used can be affected. Therefore, it depends on whether you believe in Columbus dispatch. If you want to protect your GPS from interference with new 4G networks, you can use cell phone blocker to block your LightSquared wireless network. To be on the safe side.