Jammers also consist of complex cryptographic algorithms
Quick and intuitive searches can affect your social life in many ways. Google Glass may find this information, so we recommend that you hide it. Imagine this situation. If you look at the clock on the speaker, you will find the clock itself. With Google Glass, you can get information such as the price and manufacturer of jammers. Therefore, people may start to judge your wear. Based on your judgment. We also need to mention tracking and tracking issues. As you know, Glass is synced with Android-based smartphones and uses 3G or 4G networks. In this case, someone can track your location using a cell phone tower triangulation. Another problem here is using the Bluetooth standard to communicate with your smartphone. This standard uses a fragile 2.4GHz frequency. Another thing we have to consider is all the new opportunities that those glasses offer to the evil. Please try to imagine. What can you do with all this information? Anyone can evaluate how much money they have by looking at you. Glass provides all the data you need, including prices for clothes and accessories, information on social networks, and more.

Another point to consider when handling this type of alarm is the inability to use GSM blockers. Also, if someone uses some type of cell phone signal blocker around you, the alarm will be useless. No one can lock or unlock it. However, check out the latest research by Don Bailey and Matthew Solnic. This can be considered a good security measure. Start with a recently developed portable jammer device that can crack the GSM alarm encryption algorithm. Security experts calculate that the cost of such equipment is only $ 5,000. But now the situation is getting worse. We've already talked about Don Bailey and Matthew Solnic, but we've discovered a vulnerability in the GSM communication protocol.
The first technology he used was Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasting (ADS-B). This system is used to send information about the aircraft (unique ID, current coordinates, altitude) to the aircraft's travel schedule via the in-flight transmitter. In this way, other aircraft can get complete information about the weather of all aircraft and their area. The second is the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) used for bidirectional communication with dispatchers using VHF radio waves or satellites. Signal blocker also help send data related to all stages of flight to the ground. Both systems are extremely fragile and sensitive to a variety of passive and active attacks. Teso uses ADS-B to find and select targets, and ACARS to collect information about onboard computers and exploit the vulnerability by sending malicious messages. Hugo Teso used his previous research to create a SIMON framework that enables these hacking techniques. He deliberately made it work only in virtual environments, so others wouldn't be able to use it in real life. However, it should be mentioned on buykamera.com that the entire principle of vulnerability and this hacking attack are real and can be exploited by malicious people.