It is very necessary to use jamming devices in prison
Oklahoma City-Thousands of illegal cell phones eventually fell into the hands of prisoners using criminal tools. However, prison officials said Monday that they were banned from using one of the best ways to prevent such cell phone interference. Prison officials in Oklahoma and South Carolina testified in front of the Oklahoma Senate Committee that they had proved the effectiveness of mobile phone jamming technology. Federal law prohibits government agencies from using this technology, and the mobile industry refuses to do so.

Last year, Oklahoma seized more than 5,200 smuggled mobile phones from prisoners. Mike Carpenter, security officer at the Oklahoma Corrections Bureau, said the problem was still serious, despite a reduction of about 7,500 compared to a year ago. Last month, fighting between rival gangs in Oklahoma prison expanded rapidly through the use of mobile phones, which was banned in brawls in several other prisons, according to Carpenter. One prisoner was killed and more than 12 were injured.
Carpenter said: "Do you think traffic jams (of mobile phones) will work? Absolutely." According to Gerard Keegan, a spokesman for the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, the mobile phone industry is primarily blocking the signals of legitimate users. Concerned about the use of mobile phone portable jammer in prisons. He said the organization will use technology to support a "managed access" system that uses technology to determine signals originating from smuggled calls in prisons, so measures will be taken to disable these targeted calls. Said that you can. He said the team also supports further testing of mobile phone jamming technology.
It is still pending in the Senate and the Senate, according to federal law that the state may use cell phone blocker. "My advice is easy," said James Lankford, Senator of Oklahoma, earlier in the year before the US Senate. "To protect our security guards, protect our families, and prevent criminal activity in prisons, we can block mobile phones in prisons." Last year in Cumberland, Maryland. Federal authorities in the federal prison have tested microjammers and said they can turn off the phone signal in the prison cell if the device is operating normally for about 6 meters.