Cell phone signal is annoying
In today's communication-intensive society, many people are affected by inappropriate phone calls from those around them. To get rid of this hassle, the US is selling a device that can manually lock the buttons to block cell phone signals. Although this type of signal blocker has been designated an illegal device by the Federal Telecommunications Commission, sales have doubled in recent months.
Cell phone blockers aren't the latest scientific invention, but high demand in the U.S. market has prompted traders to buy on a buying spree. The device is only the size of a pack of cigarettes. The user simply presses a button, and the device emits a radio jamming signal, blocking the connection between all mobile phones and cell towers within a radius of 5 meters to 2 meters. On the screen, you will see No network available . However, U.S. law prohibits private signal blocking and imposes fines of up to $11,000 for first-time violators.

Despite repeated government stoppages, U.S. users still love cell phone jammer. According to the survey, people buy shields for a variety of purposes, some in exchange for the tranquility of the environment, some just for pranks, and some people even use it to facilitate crime, such as making mobile phone users unable to use help calls in emergency situations.
The U.S. Wireless Industry Association recently filed a statement with the Federal Telecommunications Commission calling for the regulation to "prohibit private blocking of signals." is reserved.