Use signal protection devices safely
Every day, many people want to protect their privacy. With the development of wireless signals and GPS, there is a possibility of stealing personal information. We use devices such as mobile phones, laptops and GPS navigators in our daily lives. The risk of stealing your privacy is high. We use GPS a lot. However, you may be tracked of your location. I'm using a Wi-Fi connection. Malicious people use this method to steal information. It is very important to take measures. Mobile phone jammers are one of these measures.
Therefore, we understand that this device is very popular in many countries of the world. Widely used in many places to protect privacy. In addition, GPS jammer are also commonly used in many countries. However, it is important to use this product safely. We have tried the simple principle of using jammers safely without harming anyone. You can look at what you want to disturb the frequency, find out the details of the frequency used in your country, and choose the right jammer. Use it in the best place.

Use this WiFi jammer to protect your privacy and not bother others. When you use jammers, be careful that others are free to communicate. Do not use jammers at nearby police stations or car hospitals. Choose a device that blocks signals in the operating range that suits your home. Because, if the blocking range is wide, it may cause trouble to others. Many countries have no restrictions on the use of WiFi jammers. It is necessary to get a license. You should not forget the rights of others.
It is very important to use the jammer safely. There are also precautions when using it. All antennas must be connected before turning on the power. In Japan, blocking radio waves without the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications may violate the Radio Law, so please check with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications before using in Japan. The attached antenna is separate for each carrier, so please be careful when installing it.