To shield monitoring equipment, what type of signal jammer do I need to purchase?
In most cases, using signal jammers to block surveillance devices is illegal and may violate privacy laws and regulations. The legality and feasibility of blocking surveillance equipment depends on local laws and circumstances.
If you do face a legal situation and want to block the signal from a specific type of surveillance device, such as a wireless video surveillance camera, you may want to look for a signal jammer that targets specific frequencies. Wireless video surveillance cameras typically use 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequencies for signal transmission.

To block signals at these frequencies, you can look for signal jammers with corresponding frequency ranges. These signal blockers are often called wireless camera jammers or wireless video jammers. They work similarly to other signal jammers, emitting electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies to interfere with or block the signal transmission of monitoring equipment.
Please note that the legality of using signal jammers to block surveillance equipment varies by region. Before considering purchasing and using a signal jammer, you should learn more about local laws and regulations and make sure you comply with them. Additionally, I strongly recommend that you consult with a local legal professional or privacy rights organization for accurate advice and guidance when faced with surveillance device issues.