The importance of metro signal jammers
Last time we had a topic, why not call the gas station, now let's focus on the metro.
Metro density of mobile phone users is so great, when almost all the passengers during the training will be playing a mobile phone. Solutions form a large signal at each subway station to disturb the magnetic field, can obstruct the entire program control instructions for the operation of the subway it is a great risk and threat. But I think it is impossible to get a radiocommunication service license, you know it will reduce the profits. In fact, the Shenzhen Metro is still going through the radio refused. They employ a good measure --- the best signal jammer. In the subway trains running in the mobile phone signal is the main job of signal jammers.
In early 2012, the Shenzhen Metro Group found the problem, and apply to the Shenzhen Communications Authority, 3G and WiFi shutdown signal in all Shenzhen metro lines. Because the system by an unknown source of the attack, many lines are emergency braking underground. We had to activate the automatic protection function, we do not drive too fast the operation. Incident sparked public concern about the safety of metro operations.

After the study, they found out the real reason. Can use the same portable Wifi channel metro passenger information interfere with each other. We know that most smart phones can be configured to send WiFi devices. Although CASCO Signal system is the most advanced CBTC company, the most secure and efficient, hard to say, you know the speed of this highly developed technology, the CBTC system could bring new wireless transmission equipment new problems.
Back Signal Jammers, One - 8 Antenna 28.5W Power Wifi GPS VHF UHF LoJack 3G 4G Omniband Tunable Signal Blocker, Disable, Cheap GPS jammer and WiFi Signals. Most smart phones use 3G and 4G networks and Bluetooth WiFi. The call will be banned in the event of death and basic operation - in a direct way to stay safe CBTC system. In fact, the need always the authorization of the relevant departments, in any case, it is possible to solve the problem is not the business of a wireless telecommunications company.