More and more attention has been paid to the use of jammers
It's easy to prove if a signal blocker is being used. If you are receiving vehicle and tacograph data, the tracking system may not report position data, or even if GPS signals appear to be inadequate, whether the wheels are spinning and the vehicle is moving. You can see it (it appears on the Mandata Tracking map). In addition, it receives tachograph data so you know who the driver is and when he is driving.
GAJT protects GPS-based navigation and accurate timing receivers from intentional and accidental interference, making the satellite signals needed to calculate location and time always available. This is a commercial (COTS) product, with versions suitable for small platforms such as land, sea, fixed equipment, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Warships, military vehicles and platforms, networks, and timing infrastructure can all benefit from the protection provided by GAJT. GAJT works with civilian and military receivers such as SAASM and M-Code, so there is no need to replace an already installed GPS receiver.

One KAMAZ heavy-duty truck controls three Orlans, one of which acts as a communication relay, and the other truck drops both aerial 4G jammers and disposable high-power phone jammer to the ground. The entire system, collectively known as Leer-3, can shut down the mobile network, selectively disrupt only some phones, broadcast text messages to deceive or demoralize. ..
However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US Army and Air Force significantly disbanded their electronic warfare capabilities. Individual aircraft still have short-range jammers to disrupt incoming anti-aircraft missiles. Ground vehicles can interfere with IED detonators at short distances, but wide-area, long-range interference has been left to a relatively small number of naval aircraft.
GAJT protects GPS-based navigation and accurate timing receivers from intentional and accidental interference, making the satellite signals needed to calculate location and time always available. This is a commercial (COTS) product, with versions suitable for small platforms such as land, sea, fixed equipment, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Warships, military vehicles and platforms, networks, and timing infrastructure can all benefit from the protection provided by GAJT. GAJT works with civilian and military receivers such as SAASM and M-Code, so there is no need to replace an already installed GPS receiver.