Mobile phone jammers are installed in the school building to prevent students from making phone calls.
The New York Taxi and Limousine Commission is considering a proposal to install cell phone jammer in taxis and limousines to keep taxi drivers away from mobile phones and pay attention to the streets. Due to the limited range of mobile jammers used, this recommendation indicates that passengers can continue to make calls in the backseat. Of course, drivers opposed this, arguing that mobile phones were essential to their work and that it was illegal.
According to the House of Lords of India, the increase in mobile phone use in India has caused an unacceptable increase in unacceptable and rude advertising. This is unacceptable and the most annoying criminals should be imprisoned. A letter and visiting committee, an influential organization of the House of Lords, said more than 277 million mobile phone users in the country often "cause problems." “We need to educate where and how to use the device without bothering others,” he added. He agreed with the new and strict legal requirements to do this.

These comments are in response to Gurjit Singh's petition. Gurjit Singh called for a ban on mobile phones used in funerals and temples, and installed mobile phone jammers in school buildings to prevent students from calling. Mr. Shin also hopes that the phone company will use the mobile phone on the street to disable the device to prevent traffic accidents, and has enacted a law allowing authorities to use the mobile phone for personal detention during business hours. I asked. These steps may seem extreme, but they are strongly supported by India's most read English Times, The Times of India.
Banks in Tokyo have begun installing signal jammer at strategic ATMs in the region to prevent seniors from being victims of phone fraud. It targets scammers who target seniors to go to banks, withdraw cash from ATMs for children in need, and then immediately use the Internet to attack these seniors. The device must be a low power device and can only cover an area of about 2 meters.